2 TG NOS. 01-02
In the writings of Moses we do not find a record as to the faithfulness of the children of Israel…

2 TG NOS. 03-04
Plain it is to see that before you and I can be ready for translation, we must first be ready to…

2 TG NOS. 05-06
Clearly, then, lewdness shall actually flee away, and this revival and reformation…

2 TG NOS. 07-08
Daniel was told to shut and seal the book even to the time of the end. The book, therefore,…

2 TG NOS. 09-10
The burden of the message to be proclaimed is to prepare the people to meet the Lord: to level the…

2 TG NOS. 11-12
The Jews had built up an erroneous conception of what the Kingdom was to be, and how and when…

2 TG NOS. 13-14
We all know that there were no wars before the flood, that wars began after the confusion of tongues…

2 TG NOS. 15-16
There is but one book in the Bible that has had to be opened, and that is the book of Daniel (Dan. 12:4)…

2 TG NOS. 17-18
The Bible, we see, places the number “666,” not on the first beast, the leopard-like, but on the second …

2 TG NOS. 19-20
All who repent of breaking the law, and accept Him as their Saviour, arise to walk in newness of life….

2 TG NOS. 21-22
Christians have for centuries preached the Kingdom of God, but it is not as yet clear to most of them…

2 TG NOS. 23-24
The people who obey a state law think it an excellent statute of liberty, but those who delight in sinning…

2 TG NOS. 25-26
The widely used Christmas tree, on the 25th of December — a tree cut down from its source of life and…

2 TG NOS. 27-28
To illustrate the subject of our study this afternoon, let us take for example the book which the…

2 TG NOS. 29-30
The work of ancient Elijah, you know, was the closing work for typical apostate Israel — the Church…

2 TG NOS. 31-32
Shall this returning be unexpected? or shall the Lord first send someone to prepare His way? And…

2 TG NOS. 33-34
The Shepherd’s Rod, the books that Inspiration so named and inspired its contents, being the only Rod…

2 TG NO. 35
By personal experience David knew God’s faithfulness: Having done all that was to be done in serving God…

2 TG NOS. 36-37
We and the majority in Christendom commonly believe that the lion represents the ancient empire of…

2 TG NO. 38
Wise parents look ahead. They are careful to insure their children’s future. This they do by instilling…

2 TG NOS. 39-40
There is much talk among us about “righteousness by grace” and “righteousness by faith,” also…

2 TG NOS. 41-42
I am, however, certain that God will not keep us ignorant of the things we ought to know. If it becomes…

2 TG NOS. 43-44
All people down through the ages that have ever embraced a fresh message from God, were branded…

2 TG NOS. 45-46
True Christianity is a growth. It is plant-like. Christ Himself is represented as a Branch (Isa. 11:1) …