Volume 1 Symbolic Code No. 01
It is certain that all concerned will be glad to know that the first of the series of news items relative to present truth is now being circulated herein. Therefore let us pray to the end……
Volume 1 Symbolic Code No. 02
Being deprived of all denominational advantages such as sanitariums, health food factories, printing presses, etc., perhaps it may be necessary for a rural location for the establishment of a combined…
Volume 1 Symbolic Code No. 03
When God reveals something to a man which he himself cannot find, the Bible term for such revelation is, Inspiration. Hence, Jesus pronounced that Peter was inspired, and the….
Volume 1 Symbolic Code No. 04
We have greater evidence in support of our message than the prophets could ever produce in their times. Satan’s determined effort now is the same as in times past causing the….
Volume 1 Symbolic Code No. 05
The trouble with the people is that they make the Rod say things which it really does not. You write that Sr. White has stated that the ministry only should receive the tithe. If you mean by this that…
Volume 1 Symbolic Code No. 06
God has never yet revealed the whole truth to any one person. But He expects us to keep pace with the ever increasing light, and though each advancing truth at first dawning…
Volume 1 Symbolic Code No. 07
“Many fields ripe for the harvest have not yet been entered, because of our lack of self-sacrificing helpers. These fields must be entered, and many laborers should go to them with the expectation…
Volume 1 Symbolic Code No. 08
We are confronted with opposition from our conferences, which are trying to drown the message and kill the work of reform. They talk against the publications, but not once have they opened their pages…
Volume 1 Symbolic Code No. 09
If the SRod is the truth, and one accepts it with all one’s heart, and does the truth, the possibility of being lost would be identical to the possibility of Paul’s being lost for accepting…
Volume 1 Symbolic Code No. 10
The responsibility which God has placed upon us at this time is so great that no human mind can fully comprehend it or take it too seriously; that is, God has given us the…
Volume 1 Symbolic Code Nos. 11-12
Though it was at first thought that the office should remain in its original location for a month or two longer, circumstances called for its immediate removal, and it is with praises…
Volume 1 Symbolic Code No. 13
If Mt. Carmel Center is to be true to its name, and stand as an antitype of that ancient hill to which God called His people of old to prove who was the true God, then we, who are…
Volume 1 Symbolic Code No. 14
As defenders of truth and righteousness, and because of our great love for our brethren, we, like John the Baptist, would rather be beheaded than to have the One Who…
Volume 1 Symbolic Code No. 15
We feel sure that all the friends of the cause for reform will be pleased to see the entire company in perfect harmony with our profession, such as has never been…
Volume 1 Symbolic Code No. 16
We are happy to announce that the headquarters office of the sealing message moved from Waco to Mt. Carmel Center on September 29 to its new and permanent home location…
Volume 1 Symbolic Code No. 17
We thank all our brethren for their assistance in this mighty work and we hope that with the help of God we shall not disappoint them by falling short in our God-given privilege…
Volume 1 Symbolic Code No. 18
Having prepared a place for all the redeemed Jesus will return, not only for those who are alive, but also for those who are dead, as described in 1 Thess.4:16-18:“For the Lord…
Volume 2 Symbolic Code No. 01
Most of our people are so deeply asleep, and so greatly stupefied that it seems there is nothing that can fully awaken them from the “Laodicean sad deception.”…
Volume 2 Symbolic Code No. 02
We are of good courage and words fail us by which to express our thanks to the One Who is “taking the reins in His own hands” for His great mercy…
Volume 2 Symbolic Code Nos. 03-04
The old devil well knows that this is the last message the world will ever receive and that it will chain him for a thousand years and at last…
Volume 2 Symbolic Code Nos. 05-06
“I do not know what is going to happen to some who profess to believe in Present Truth, who have been taught, admonished, reproved, and…
Volume 2 Symbolic Code Nos. 07-08
The Jewish leaders thought that if they could by whatsoever means but get rid of Christ, His work of reform and advanced light on the Word of God…
Volume 2 Symbolic Code No. 09
“Had Elisha asked Elijah what was expected of him,—what would be his work,—he would have been answered: God knows; He will make it known to you. ….
Volume 2 Symbolic Code No. 10
Those who are converted to God, and whose Spiritual eye catches the eternal weight of glory, realizing that it is within their reach, we need not urge…
Volume 2 Symbolic Code No. 11
Who can stand, in the fear of the righteous, before the Great Judge, the Mighty One of Israel? Has He not said, “Hear what I say unto thee,” “Hear ye the rod,…
Volume 2 Symbolic Code No. 12
No one has to study another’s writings, but they need to understand the Bible, for the Word of God is their very life. However, as the Scriptures are of…
Volume 3 Symbolic Code No. 01
As the “grand object of all study” is to “learn the will of God and the duties of His people,” Mt. Carmel Academy’s system of education…
Volume 3 Symbolic Code No. 02
Though the church is God’s dearest object on this earth, and that upon which He bestows His supreme regard, He often has to admonish, and even…
Volume 3 Symbolic Code Nos. 03-04
“The preacher has a great time. If his hair is gray, he is too old. If he is a young man, he has not had experience enough. If he is single, he is a flirt…
Volume 3 Symbolic Code Nos. 05-06
Do not, my brothers and sisters, abuse God’s mercy, and turn a deaf ear to His pleadings by questioning and criticizing everything now “in the unfolding…
Volume 3 Symbolic Code No. 07
Realizing, with a realization second only to that of God’s, that the home and the family are the basic unit of human society, and that therefore as rocks…
Volume 3 Symbolic Code Nos. 08-10
O, I cry aloud to God that He may awaken all Present Truth believers and cause them to see that a mere theoretical knowledge of Present Truth is not…
Volume 3 Symbolic Code Nos. 11-12
The very fact that the one hundred and forty-four thousand are to have no guile in their mouths is not only an evidence that they must proclaim the truth and…
Volume 4 Symbolic Code Nos. 01-03
“God provided bread for His people in the wilderness by a miracle of mercy, and He could have provided everything necessary for religious service;…
Volume 4 Symbolic Code Nos. 04-09
To all careless or doubting or recusant spirits who tread the side edges of the road of Present Truth, the following words of Inspiration stand as faithful….
Volume 4 Symbolic Code Nos. 10-12
Our attention is called to the most important question: Could it be possible that the Scriptures should contain such a complete prophecy of the church to 1844….
Volume 5 Symbolic Code Nos. 01-05
The spirit that worked in the Jewish leaders is still at work. At Christ’s time the people pretended to be very ardent in their belief of the writings of Moses…
Volume 5 Symbolic Code Nos. 06-12
The message which is to close the Gospel work, is the last of all gospel messages before the close of probation. It is the one which is to be brought by the….
Volume 6 Symbolic Code Nos. 01-06
In both the Old and the New Testaments, there is brought to view a religious movement organized and led by the Author of the Scriptures, the first of which….
Volume 6 Symbolic Code Nos. 07-12
We now live the life of Christ by faith; but in the kingdom—the substance of our hope—where “the evidence of things” is seen, we shall live by sight, “for now….
Volume 7 Symbolic Code Nos. 01-06
Grant religious liberty to all, for it is not our duty to demand of others respect for our religion, but it is our duty in meekness and in fear to teach the Truth…
Volume 7 Symbolic Code Nos. 07-12
—DO YOU KNOW?— Dear brethren in Laodicea, do you know that prophecy positively declares that the people of God in the Laodicean church are in a critically….
Volume 8 Symbolic Code Nos. 01-12
In no case is it a moral and safe procedure to appeal to an opposer of one’s writings to illuminate any part of them. A Democrat would not think of appealing….
Volume 9 Symbolic Code Nos. 01-12
But in all her history, the church as a whole has never accepted a message from heaven. The call therefore comes to each individual member. Each must…
Volume 10 Symbolic Code No. 01
The wise do not consider it a gamble to sell all they have in order to make the kingdom their own. They know that they are getting a bargain, that such…
Volume 10 Symbolic Code No. 02
HISTORY FOR DAVIDIANS – October 26, 1953 to October 24, 1954. Once again we stand at the threshold of the beginning of Days, solemnly looking back…