Because of the many winds of Doctrines blowing in the Eleventh-hour Movement, it is necessary for us to state herein our supplemental beliefs, which are simply affirmations of our faith in The Shepherd’s Rod Message. Pursuant to the Golden Bowl we believe as follows:
- That the entire Shepherd’s Rod Literature was published before the prophet’s death in the Volumes, Tracts and Symbolic Codes. The sermons published in the five volumes better known as the New Codes, are an uninspired addition to the Message and should not be studied or taught from. We understand the instruction “Teach only that which is published”, means that which was published by the late Bro. V. T. Houteff. Pursuant to 8SC1-12: 20.2.4; ABN5: 55.1- 56.1.
That God has never had more than one movement in existence at a time and it could not be otherwise now. God’s church is well marked in every generation by obedience to present truth. Pursuant to SR2: 125.1; SR2: 93.2; SR2: 257.4; 1TG51: 10.4;1SC13: 11.4 .
- That God has only one storehouse at a time and that is wherever present truth is dispensed; and the present truth for this time is the purification in The Eleventh-hour Church, The Davidian Seventh-day Adventist Church. Pursuant to 1SC5: 9.1; 2TG30: 18.2.
- That there is only one antitypical Mt. Carmel and it is located in Waco, Texas and it is not limited to 2500 Mt. Carmel Drive but rather to the entire 375 acres purchased by God’s prophet. 1SC16: 1.1; 2SC5,6: 3.1.2; 2SC10: 2.1.1.
- That Ezekiel 47 has nothing to do with the movements of the various Davidian groups whether eastwards, westwards, southwards or northwards but is directly related to the antitypical temple to be built by the purified church and the new division of the land in the Kingdom. Pursuant to 1TG13: 5.2, 6.2, 6.3 and 2TG42: 38.1.
- That the Seventh-day Adventist Denomination, modern Israel (twelve tribes), consists of two churches; the Ninth-hour Church (S. D. A. Church) and the Eleventh-hour Church (D. S. D. A. Church); coincident with ancient Israel after the death of King Solomon, namely Judah and Israel. Thus, the D. S. D. A. Church is a church within a church or a “movement within a movement”, whatever the movement is, so is the movement within the movement. Pursuant to Matt 20:6; SR2: 93.2; TN4: 57.4, 66.3; WHR: 33.2; 2TG34: 24.1-25.2.
- That the purification of the Seventh-day Adventist Denomination, the first fruits of the harvest, is in two sections: the first purification will be in the Eleventh-hour Church by the six men of Ezekiel chapter nine, in which there is an intervening time between the sealing and the slaughter; the second is in the Ninth-hour Church by the five men of Ezekiel chapter nine, while the man with the inkhorn marks — in the general destruction of the wicked — in which there is no intervening time between the sealing and the slaughter. Pursuant to Ezek. 9:2; TN3: 71.1-2; SR2: 185.3; TN3: 76.1, 78.1; LDSDA: 3.2; JL6: 2.1; SR1: 37.2; TN1: 38.2; 1TG52.
- That we are modern Judah — the descendants of those Jews who composed the Early Christian Church — whereas the Laodiceans, or “mother” as she is often referred to by most Davidians, are modern Israel — the descendants of the ten tribes that were scattered by ancient Assyria. Pursuant to LDSDA: 3.2; 1TG37: 11.2; 2TG6: 15.3.
- That only 144,000 Israelites will be saved in the first fruits harvest of the living, but there will be a “considerable number from the Gentile nations”, who will be with the 144,000, saved in the said harvest. Pursuant to TN3: 98.2; ABN4: 35.1.
That those who arise in the special resurrection of Dan 12:2, are NOT taken to the kingdom at the same time as the first fruits of the living, the 144,000 and those with them, but rather, are taken to the lands just outside of the Kingdom, lands soon to be annexed into the boundaries of the Kingdom (these lands will not be a part of Babylon as we formerly believed), there to be tested and given the opportunity to accept the Present Truth for that day, with which to turn many to righteousness. Pursuant to TN12: 37.1, 2TG7: 11.2, 15.1.
- That all SDAs who died under the Third Angel’s message keeping the Sabbath truth will come forth in the special resurrection which includes, but not limited to, Sr. E. G. White and Bro. V. T. Houteff. There is no special special resurrection before the special resurrection of Daniel 12. Pursuant to DAN. 12:2; 2TG7: 11-12; TN9: 41.1.
That we, Davidians, must save ourselves first before we can save our brethren in the Ninth-hour church. Pursuant to 9SC1-12: 7.2.7.
- That we must first cry for the abominations in our midst before we cry for the abominations in the Laodiceans’ midst. Pursuant to EZEK. 9:4.
- That the current siege campaigns that are conducted by Davidians which include but not limited to the distribution of literature to those who we have not befriended, in front of SDA churches, camp meetings, General Conference sessions, are an abomination and a reproach to The Shepherd’s Rod Message. These campaigns were instituted by Florence Houteff, pursuant to the letter from the Executive Council of the DSDA to the General Conference of the SDA church dated February 17, 1959 published in Volume 14 Symbolic Code No. 6.
- That we should be conducting the “name ingathering” campaign so that we can fish them with the literature then hunt them at their “very doors be they in the city or in the villages”. 7SC1-6: 2.1.1-4; 7SC7-12: 17.2.7-18.1.3; 8SC1-12: 24.1.6-24.2.4; 9SC1-12: 18.2.5-7; JL6: 5.3.
That the great revival and reformation foretold in Testimonies for the Church Volume 9, page 126, and REV. 8:5 will take place in the Ninth-hour church after the purification in the Eleventh-hour church and prior to the establishment of God’s kingdom of peace in the Promised Land. Pursuant to LDSDA: 5.1, 12.2; SR2: 219.2; 1TG17: 5.3.
- That the ox-plow stage of the sealing message is yet future and it will begin after the destruction of the lesser cattle, the foolish virgins, Korah, Dathan and Abiram, the ten spies and the Achans, in the Davidian Seventh-day Adventists Movement, the Eleventh hour church. Pursuant to TN6: 40.1; ABN2: 55.2; 5SC1-5: 9.1.4.
- That there is only one confederacy and that is the church-state confederacy of Isaiah chapter 8 which begins in modern day Assyria and continues into modern day Babylon and we are told by Isaiah that we should say nothing to those who have been told to confederate, instead we should sanctify the Lord our God. Pursuant to Isa 8:11-22; 2TG41: 18.3-21.3; 1TG27: 8.2-9.1.
That there is only one trouble, DAN. 12: 2; REV. 13:15-17; which is the mark of the beast, and when it begins it will first strike at the remnant of the flood, REV. 12:16. Jeremiah wrote of the same trouble, JERE. 30:7, which relates only to the 144,000, whereas John and Daniel spoke of the trouble as it relates both to the 144,000 and the great multitude. Pursuant to TN15: 61.1; TN5: 118.1; TN9:58.2; 2TG10: 29.3-4; TN8:22.1 and 2SC2:4.8-10.
- That the time of Jacob’s trouble takes place after the purification of the Ninth-hour church. Pursuant to FB: 12.3.
- That no knockout blow was delivered to this message in 1959 and never will be delivered. A knockout blow suggests the recipient of the blow losing the fight. Since Christ is The General that never lost a battle there could have been no knockout blow delivered to this message that is destined to triumph. There was an attempt to deliver a knockout blow in 1959 as the Rod warned, however, after the attempt, the movement reorganized in 1961 shortly before Sr. Houteff and her executive council dissolved the association and the movement continues to this day. Pursuant to WHR 33.2;ABN1: 67.1 and 68.1.
That Antitypical David is neither Brother V. T. Houteff nor the Shepherd’s Rod message, but a man who Christ will send to reign in His stead before His return to reckon with His servants, the Davidians. Pursuant to TN9: 43.2; TN8: 71.1,2; 2TG2: 14.3, 17.2.
- That the Trinity refers to the Three distinct Persons of the Godhead, the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, pursuant to SR2: 54.1, 7SC1-6: 13.2.4-13.2.6, TN3: 91.4, FB: 3.4, 2TG10: 21.4 AND 2TG19: 16.2.