Our first mission is to rescue the honest Davidian Seventh-day Adventists from their present spiritually starved and death-bound associations and independent groups or individuals; to revitalize their spiritual lives; to restore the downtrodden Truth in the SROD message to its rightful place, by removing the rubbish of error, men’s ideas and devices, which have been interwoven with the Truth; and to help the faithful to get ready for the Lord’s coming to His Temple, the Davidian Seventh-day Adventist Church, to commence the “great and dreadful day of the Lord.”
Our second mission is to gather out of Laodicea the remaining forecasted “Spirit-filled ministers,” for “the ox-plow stage of the sealing message,” which will bring our total membership to 24,000 “descendants of those Jews who composed the Early Christian Church,” plus those who the devil will send and the Judases who will come; while we leave the various associations and independents to gather their portion of the 24,000 foolish virgins, as prophesied in Matthew chapter 25.