The very fact that the one hundred and forty-four thousand are to have no guile in their mouths is not only an evidence that they must proclaim the truth and nothing but the truth, but that their language must be free from all unbecoming words. And, if we are to be among this elect company of God’s children, it will be necessary for us to weed out of our speech all the sly innuendos, covert insinuation, expletives, and meaningless words and phrases.–“Education,” p. 236. {3SC11,12: 4.1.1}

We are told that our language should be so “pure” that the most sensitive could not truthfully say that there is the slightest intimation of impropriety; so kind that the most timid would have no fear; so truthful that no doubt could possibly arise in the minds of our hearers as to our veracity. {3SC11,12: 4.1.2}

As the Lord has called us to prepare for the seal in our foreheads, He has also called us to purify our speech and to be without guile in our mouths, and thus be the “servants of God” in the time of the ” loud cry.” Hence, the fact soon became evident that not only the young people at Mt. Carmel needed to study language from “a higher point of view,” but that the older members also were in need of the same instruction. Therefore a special evening class has been organized for the benefit of the adults. {3SC11,12: 4.1.3}

This instruction is given from 7:00 to 8:00 in the evening and is proving to be one of the most helpful features in our camp life. By approaching the study of language from “a higher point of view,” we were compelled to declare war on the withering curse of human society–gossip–which we brought with us from our homes and our churches. As we took stock to see where we stood, we were surprised at ourselves when on the blackboard we saw written many “covert insinuations,” “sly innuendos,” “meaningless phrases” and “expletives” which had crept into our language, and which we discovered were being employed very frequently, though sometimes innocently, by most of us. {3SC11,12: 4.1.4}

Already there is seen decided improvement, and we have determined that our influence shall not longer counteract the good work done for the young people and children in the class-room. Thus by organizing this class, a two-fold work is being accomplished. Firstly, we are learning to use our mother tongue correctly, and secondly, we are weeding out of our language those soul-destroying words and phrases, which lead us insidiously into that wicked thing called “gossip”. {3SC11,12: 4.2.2}

We as candidates for the 144,000, are encouraged, therefore, with the possibility of becoming saints without guile in our mouths. With this sweet prospect before us, why should not every Present Truth believer determine to overcome every besetment, and receive the “seal of God” and “reflect the image of Jesus fully?” {3SC11,12: 4.2.3}

For the encouragement of both old and young, we quote the following: {3SC11,12: 4.2.4}

“The workman for God should make earnest efforts to become a representative of Christ, discarding all uncomely gestures and uncouth speech. He should endeavor to use correct language. There is a large class who are careless in the way they speak, yet by careful, painstaking attention, these may become representatives of the truth. Every day they should make advancement. They should not detract from their usefulness and influence by cherishing defects of manner, tone, or language. Common, cheap expressions should be replaced by sound, pure words. By constant watchfulness and earnest discipline, the Christian youth may keep his tongue from evil and his lips from speaking guile.”–“Counsels to Teachers,” p. 238. {3SC11,12: 4.2.2}