Process of Restoring all Things as in the Beginning

How could the Word say that Elijah must restore all things if he were not also going to restore the marriage institution? Furthermore, if God saw that it was not good for man to be alone originally in the Garden of Eden, then why should…

Counsels And Warnings To Parents – Part 1

“Parents, it should be your first concern to obey the call of duty, and enter, heart and soul, into the work God has given you to do. If you fail in everything else, be thorough, be efficient here. If your children come forth from the…

Counsels To Parents – Part 2

Realizing, with a realization second only to that of God’s, that the home and the family are the basic unit of human society, and that therefore as rocks the cradle, rocks the world, Satan set about early in the long ago to manipulate control of…

Counsels To Parents – Part 3

Many who profess Present Truth do not whole-heartedly believe and practice what is written in the Code. In truth, doubt and disbelief in the Code is in varying degrees, leavening our companies everywhere. And only a few, “a handful to the tribes,” as it were,…

Counsels To Parents – Part 4

“The false idea entertained by many, that the restraining of children is an injury, is ruining thousands upon thousands. Satan will surely take possession of the children if you are not on your guard.”–“Testimonies,” Vol. 5, p. 541. “Weakness in requiring obedience, and false love and…

Marriage Or Celibacy

Nowhere in this matrimonial counsel [1 Cor. 7] is Paul lending the force of his precept and example to the absolute preferment of one estate of life above another, nor to the abolition of the sanctified marital privileges and rights guaranteed by the marriage covenant….

What The Home Should Be

While the church is duty-bound to respect and obey her Lord, the wife is to respect and obey her husband; and the husband is duty-bound to love and care for his wife as the Lord loves and care for His church. From this it follows…

Avoid Rearing Misfits

Today, as never before, youth are asserting a premature self-confidence, to such an extent that they even threaten to leave home if they are not granted their every wish. But do not compromise with them at this critical period, or they will finally force things…

Is Education Harmful

It is a tested fact that during their schooling, students enjoy sponging, a thing that has become a vice. And the longer they go to school the stronger this selfish habit seems to become. And that is why “employers no longer,” asserts Dr. Henry C….

Education Of Christian

Not only was Jesus’ parental lineage carefully selected, but so also has been selected the lineage of every one of God’s men who were entrusted with weighty responsibilities. Why, I ask you, would such precautions be taken if the parents do not bear the most…